Headshot of Amy Deveau

Amy M. Deveau, Ph.D.


Academic Director, School of Molecular and Physical Sciences

Professor of Chemistry


Peter and Cecile Morgane Hall 14
Eligible for Student Opportunities

Dr. Deveau, named “Dr. D” by her students, is an energetic professor who primarily teaches organic chemistry, as well as general chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and organic structure elucidation.  In her laboratory courses and upper level electives, Dr. D integrates research into course curricula, providing meaningful early exposure to research for STEM undergraduate students.  Dr. Deveau is passionate about undergraduate education, with expertise in active and experiential learning best practices including the training and mentorship of students in chemistry research. Also engaged in projects to improve the representation and mentoring of minoritized students and faculty in STEM fields, Dr. Deveau serves as a Chemistry Councilor for the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) and is the current Chairperson of CUR's Chemistry Division.   A member of SWAGƵ’s Center for Excellence in the Neurosciences, Dr. Deveau's research laboratory focuses on the discovery of organic small molecules with therapeutic potential across the areas of pain & addiction, as well as the design and synthesis of anti-infectives targeting human pathogens.  Additionally, mining local Gulf of Maine seaweeds as a source of novel marine natural products is primary area of research in her lab.  Finally, building on SWAGƵ's Green Chemistry Commitment, Dr. Deveau is committed to integrating green and sustainable practices into teaching endeavors and research projects. 




Ph.D., Chemistry
University of Virginia
B.S., Chemistry with Secondary Education
Stonehill College


  • Active learning
  • Bioorganic chemistry
  • Experiential learning
  • Green chemistry
  • Medicinal chemistry
  • Natural products
  • Organic chemistry
  • Organic synthesis

Post-Doctoral Training

Post-Doctoral Research, Chemistry Department, University of Vermont (Burlington, Vermont)
Mentor: Gregory K. Friestad, Ph.D.
Project: Asymmetric synthesis of unnatural amino acids and total synthesis of Tubulysin D.


Current research

Dr. Deveau presently has four primary research projects in her research laboratory, collaborating primarily  with undergraduate students and also mentoring graduate students with an interest in chemistry at the intersection of the biological and marine sciences.  

(1) Bioactive Natural product discovery. The isolation, purifcation, and characterization of natural products from Maine macroalgae Saccharina latissima and Ulva lactuca is ongoing.  The Deveau lab is also interested in how factors such as water pH, temperature, and other environmental factors may impact the production of bioactive compounds;

(2) Synthesis of Novel Antiinfectives.  The synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of small molecules with antioxidant and antiinfective capacities inspired by pyrogallol and usnic acid. 

(3) Synthesis of Opioid Receptor Antagonists.  The semisynthesis, characterization and evaluation of novel opioid derivatives for the treatment of pain and addiction.

(4) Optimization of green organic reactions.  The development of efficient, green synthetic methods for synthesis of small molecule aromatics and biologically active targets.

Additionally, Dr. Deveau teaches undergraduate organic chemistry using the pedagogy of course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs).  Via CUREs, students engage in research focusing on organic reaction optimization, the design of syntheses with green chemistry principles, and the synthesis of small molecules with antibiotic potential, having tangible opportunities to generate publishable outcomes from coursework.

Selected publications


, a supplement to accompany Organic Chemistry by Joel Karty, 1st Edition, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.   Amy M. Deveau, with coauthors James Wollack and Alexandra Jones.   Published June, 2014.   ISBN 978-0-393-92295-0

REFEREED PUBLICATIONS                                                                                                                    * designates undergraduate student coauthor; # designates graduate student coauthor

Deveau, A.M.; Wang, Y.; Small, D.J. Reflections on Course Based Undergraduate Research During COVID-19.   J. Chem. Ed. 2020, 97, 9, 3463–3469.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00787

Deveau, A.M.; #Hope, Z.; *Lloyd E.; *Williams, B.S.; *Meader, J.M.; *Weiss, F.; Burkholder, K.M.; Antimicrobial activity of extracts from macroalgae Ulva lactuca against clinically-relevant Staphylococci is impacted by macroalgae phenotype & lunar phase of harvest. J. Appl. Microbiol. 2016 (May), 62, 5, 363-371DOI: 10.1111/lam.12563

#Martin, D.J.; *FitzMorris, P.E.; Li, B.; Ayestas, M.; Sally, E.J.; Dersch, C.M.; Rothman, R.B.; Deveau, A.M.; An efficient synthesis of 3-OBn-6β,14-epoxy-bridged opiates from naltrexone and identification of a related dual MOR inverse agonist/KOR agonist.  Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett, 2012, 22, 6801-6805.

*Costa, Nancy E.; *Pelotte, Andrea L.; Simard, Joseph; Syvinski, Christopher; Deveau, A.M.; Development of a Greener Aqueous Suzuki Coupling Experiment for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Curriculum: Synthesis of Ethyl-(4-Phenylphenyl) Acetate, A Biologically Active Biaryl With Anti-Arthritic Potential.  J. Chem. Ed.  2012, 89, 10641067.

*Bayron, Jennifer A.; Deveau, A.M.; Stubbs, John M.; Conformational analysis of 6α- and 6β-naltrexol and derivatives and relationship to opioid receptor affinity.  J. Chem. Inf. Model, 2012, 52, 391-395.

*Pelotte, Andrea L.; *Smith, Ryan M.; Ayestas, Mario; Dersch, Christina M.; Bilsky, Edward J.; Rothman, Richard B.; Deveau, A.M.; Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of 6b-Naltrexol Analogs, and Their Selectivity for In Vitro Opioid Receptor Subtypes.  Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett, 2009, 19, 2811-2814.

Deveau, A.M.; *Costa, Nancy E.; Joshi, Elizabeth M.; Macdonald, Timothy L.; Synthesis of Carboline Homodimers, and Evaluation in In Vitro Carcinoma Lines.  Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett, 2008, 18, 12, 3522-3525.

Other scholarly activity


“A Tale of Two Projects: Drug Discovery Efforts on the Coast of Maine". Deveau, A.M.  Invited seminar, Rhode Island College, Physical Sciences Department, Physical Sciences Colloquium, April 12, 2019.

“Stories From An Organic Chemist's Toolbox: Discovering Small Molecules to Improve Human Health".  Deveau, A.M. Invited seminar, Amherst College, Chemistry Department, December 11, 2015

“Addicted to Medicinal Chemistry:  Discovery of Novel Opioid Receptor Antagonists, And More!"  Deveau, A.M. Invited seminar, Bates College, Chemistry Department, November 11, 2015

 “Novel Opioid Receptor Antagonists Derived from Naltrexol”. Deveau, A.M. Invited Seminar, University of Virginia, Timothy L. Macdonald Symposium, April 27, 2012.

"Addicted to Medicinal Chemistry: Discovery of Novel Opioid Receptor Antagonists Derived from Naltrexol."  Deveau, A.M.  Invited Seminar / Sabbatical Lecture, SWAGƵ, College of Pharmacy Seminar Series. Portland, ME.  March 26, 2012.

“No Pain, No Gain: Adventures in the Synthesis, Structural Evaluation, and Biological Analysis of Novel Naltrexol Analogs” Deveau, A.M. Chemistry & Physics Department, College of Arts & Sciences. Invited seminar, University of New Hampshire Chemistry Department Seminar Series, April 19, 2011.

“Addicted to Medicinal Chemistry !: Progress in the Synthesis and Structural Evaluation of Biologically Interesting Naltrexol Derivatives.”  Deveau, A.M. Chemistry & Physics Department, College of Arts & Sciences. Invited seminar, Colby College Chemistry Department Seminar Series, March 12, 2010

“Recent Progress Toward Synthesizing 6-Desoxynaltrexone: A Key Molecule in Understanding MOR Structure-Activity Relationships for Opiate Addiction” Martin, David J.; Deveau, A.M. and Conry, Rebecca R. Invited Seminar, Presented at the Carman Pettapiece, D.O. Fellows Research Symposium, Biddeford, ME, January 22, 2010.

 “Synthesis of Carbamate and Sulfonate Ester Derivatives of Naltrexol as Potential Treatments for Addiction”. * Andrews, Elizabeth A.; *Pelotte, Andrea L.; *Lawrence, Tanya N.; Ayestas, Mario; Dersch, Christina M.; Bilsky, Edward J.; Rothman, Richard; Deveau, A.M. Invited poster presentation, Maine Neurogenetics Consortium Retreat, SWAGƵ, October 3, 2009.

“Careers in Chemistry”.  Deveau, A.M.  Invited Seminar, Stonehill College Chemistry Department Colloquia Series, March 30, 2006.

“Progress Toward the Synthesis & Characterization of a Novel Naltrexone Derivative, and Biological Activity of Opioids in In Vivo Narcotic Dependence Models”.  Deveau, A.M.   Invited seminar, Stonehill College Chemistry Department Colloquia Series, March 31, 2006.


Teaching Scholar Award, Davis Educational Foundation, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, SWAGƵ, CY 2020

American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Young Scientist Travel Award, 2005


Deveau, A.M.; Myracle, Angela; Burkholder, K.M.; Cerri, K.* (2021, April 5-30)  Extraction, characterization and analysis of bioactives from Maine Ulva lactuca.  Virtual Poster Presentation. (American Chemical Society National Conference, Chemical Education Division).

Outten, B., Odbadrakh, T., Jones, L., Garrison, N. Deveau, A.M.; Shields, G.. (2021, January 23). Conformational analysis of antagonists at the µ opioid receptor.  Oral presentation. (South Carolina NIH INBRE Virtual Science Symposium).

Jones, L., Odbadrakh, T. Outten, B., Garrison, N. Deveau, A.M.; Shields, G.. (2021, January 23).  Conformational Analysis of Antagonists to the µ Opioid Receptor” Oral presentation. (South Carolina NIH INBRE Virtual Science Symposium).

Deveau, A.M. (2019, June 28) Merging Systems Thinking with A Course-Based Research Experience in Organic Chemistry, Oral Presentation, High-Impact Learning Strategies.  Oral Presentation, (The Council on Undergraduate Research, Undergraduate Research Programs Conference) Columbus, OH.

Quinlan, J. & Deveau, A.  (2018, Aug). SUCCESS S-STEM Program: reflections on lessons learned and recommendations.  Poster presentation, Mathematical Association of America (MAA MathFest), Denver, CO.

Quinlan, J. & Deveau, A.M.  (2018, July 2).   Outcomes of an NSF S-STEM Grant: SUCCESS Scholars, Research Opportunities, and Curriculum Evolution.  Poster presentation, The Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR Biennial Conference), Arlington, VA.  

Small, D. & Deveau, A.M.  (2018, June 27).  Increasing Student Engagement and Performance Through the Use of Inquiry and Research-based Laboratory Courses.  Roundtable Session, The Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE) Center (2018 RiSE Teaching Symposium), Orono, ME.  

Quinlan, J. & Deveau, A.M.  (2018, June 27).  Outcomes of an NSF S-STEM Grant at SWAGƵ: SUCCESS Scholars, Research Opportunities, and Curriculum Evolution.  Poster presentation, The Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE) Center (2018 RiSE Teaching Symposium), Orono, ME.  

Deveau, A.M.; Burkholder, K.M.; Miller-Hope, Z.; Cusson. A.* (2018, April). Time Point and Stability Analysis of Coastal Maine Saccharina latissima Extracts That Have Antimicrobial Properties. Poster presentation. (American Chemical Society National Conference, Chemical Education Division). New Orleans, LA.

Deveau, A.M.; Burkholder, K.M.; Woolf, J.*; Miller-Hope, Z.; Russell, C.*;  Lloyd, E.* (2017, April)  Chemical Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of Maine Ulva lactuca and Saccharina latissima Extracts Without Prolonged Storage.  Poster Presentation. (American Chemical Society National Conference, Chemical Education Division), San Francisco, CA.

Lloyd, E.*; Russell, C*; Miller-Hope, Z.; Woolf, J.*; Deveau, A.M.; Burkholder, K.M. (2017, April) Extracts from marine macroalgae Ulva lactuca and Saccharina latissimi inhibit growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).  Poster Presentation (Maine Biological and Medical Sciences Symposium, MDI Biological Laboratory). Salisbury Cove, ME.

Bachman, R.E; Deveau,A.M; Wheeler, K.A.  Advancing Research and Teaching Through NSF-MRI Instrumentation Grants. (2016, June 26) One-hour Panel presentation. (Council of Undergraduate Research Biennial Conference, University of South Florida), Tampa, FL.

Bachman, R.E; Jones, R.M.; Gourley, B.L.; Deveau, A.M;. Integration of Research into the Formal Chemistry Curriculum. (2016, June 26) One-hour Panel presentation. (Council of Undergraduate Research Biennial Conference, University of South Florida), Tampa, FL.

Williams, B.S.*; Meader, J.*, Hope, Z.; Weiss, F.*; Lloyd, E.* Burkholder, K.M.; Deveau, A.M. Marine Natural Products from Maine Sea Lettuce Inhibit MRSA Growth.  (2016, April 20, 2016) Poster Presentation. (Posters on the Hill, Council on Undergraduate Research), Washington D.C.

*Lawrence, T. *Andrews, E.A.; *Pelotte, A.L.; *Lawrence, T.; Dersch, C.M; Ayestas, M.; Giuvelis, D.; Bilsky, E.J.; Rothman, R.B. Deveau, A.M. In Vitro Characterization and In Vivo Blockade Study of Lead Compound LAA-2-27b.  (2011, March 6) Oral Presentation (Biology, Behavior and Chemistry: Translational Research in Addiction Conference), San Antonio, TX.

*Andrews, E.A.; Smith, R.M. *Lawrence, T.;* Pelotte, A.L.; *Lawrence, T.; Dersch, C.M; Ayestas, M.; Giuvelis, D.; Bilsky, E.J.,; Rothman, R.B. Deveau, A.M. Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Diphenyl and Dimethyl Carbamate Derivatives of 6b-Naltrexol in Vitro and in Vivo as Possible Treatments for Opioid Addiction. (2011, March 5) Oral Presentation (Biology, Behavior and Chemistry: Translational Research in Addiction Conference), San Antonio, TX.

Chan, V.*; Deveau, A.M.; Stubbs, J.M.; Computational Investigation of Transition States for Deprotonation and Lithium-Halogen Exchange During the Attempted Formation of 6-Desoxynaltrexone. (2011, March 5) Poster Presentation. (Northeast Region Undergraduate Research and Development Symposium, SWAGƵ). Biddeford, ME.


Callahan, M.*, Cerri, K.*, Cusson, A.*, Deveau, A.M. (December 13, 2019) Maine Marine Natural Products: Research Outcomes and Broader Impacts of SEANET. Oral Presentation, NSF ESPCoR Symposium, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Callahan, M.*, Burkholder, K.M., Deveau, A.M. (2019, November 1) Semisynthesis, characterization and antimicrobial impact of (+)-usnic acid derivatives with an additional bioactive phenyl amino motif. Oral Presentation, (Chemistry & Physics Department Seminar Series, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Callahan, M.*, Burkholder, K.M., Deveau, A.M. (2019, September 28) Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial impact of (+)-usnic acid derivatives with an additional bioactive phenyl amino motif.  Poster Presentation, (Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, Colleges of Arts and Sciences & Health Professions, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Cerri, K.M*, Burkholder, K.M., Deveau, A.M. (2019, September 28) An Investigation into the Extraction of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites: A Comparison of Procedures and Environment. Poster Presentation, (Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, Colleges of Arts and Sciences & Health Professions, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Roese, K.*, Esposito, L.*, Roese, U., Deveau, A.M., Burkholder, K.M. (2019, September 28) Pyrogallol inhibits biofilm formation by the bacterial pathogens Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus. Poster Presentation, (Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, Colleges of Arts and Sciences & Health Professions, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

LoGrande N*, Demers, M.*, Cusson, A.*, Roese, U., Deveau, A.M., Burkholder, K.M. (2019, May 3) The antioxidant pyrogallol inhibits bio fillm formation by the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus epidermidis. Poster Presentation, (College of Arts and Sciences Research at the SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Cusson, A.*, Archambault, K.*, Basiliere, P.*, Tuell, E.*, Cerri, K.M.*, Tompson, B.V.*, Christiansen, S.L*, Chretien, J.M.*, Rusling-Flynn, A.G.*, Johnson, T.*, Callahan, M.I.*; Garrison, Noah W.*, Conger, R.*, Deveau, A.M.; (2019, May 3) Application of Systems Thinking in University Organic Chemistry to Establish a Learning Ecosystem: Green Isomerization of Carvone Using Amberlyst 15 Catalyst. Poster Presentation (College of Arts and Sciences Research Symposium at the SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Sinde, A. Burkholder, K.M.; Deveau, A.M.  (2018, November 30) Observing the Antimicrobial Properties of Coastal Maine’s Ulva lactuca Against MSSA Newman Compared to the Algal Extract with Pyrogallol: A Time and Temperature-based Stability Analysis. Oral Presentation, (Chemistry & Physics Department Seminar Series, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Cusson, A.; Burkholder, K.M.; Deveau, A.M. (2018, October 26) Research is Resilience!:  Synthesis, Characterization, and Evaluation of Active Compounds from Maine Saccharina latissima and Ulva lactuca with Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity. Oral Presentation, (Chemistry & Physics Department Seminar Series, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

DeMartinis, D.; Cusson, A.; Burkholder, K.M.; Deveau, A.M. (2018, September 30) Preparative Thin Layer Chromatography Fractionation and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Partially Purified Ulva Lactuca Extracts Harvested from the Gulf of Maine. Poster Presentation. (SURE Symposium, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Deveau, A.M.; Burkholder, K.M.; Miller-Hope, Z.; Cusson. A.* (2018, May 4). Coastal Maine Saccharina latissima Extracts That Have Antimicrobial Properties: Time Point and Stability Analysis. Poster presentation. (SURE Research Symposium, SWAGƵ) Biddeford, ME.

Sinde, A.; Cusson, A.; Burkholder, K.M.; Deveau, A.M.  (2018, September 30) Evaluation of Maine Ulva lactuca Extracts with Antimicrobial Properties to Determine Optimal Storage Conditions: Time and Temperature-Based Stability Analysis. Poster Presentation. (SURE Symposium, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Roese, K.*; Roese, U.; Deveau, A.; Byron, C. Burkholder, K.  (2018, September 30) Extracts from marine macroalgae impact bacterial biofilm formation. Poster Presentation, (SURE Symposium, SWAGƵ).

Lloyd, E.*; Hope, Z.*; Williams, B.S.; Meader, J.; Deveau, A.M.; Burkholder, K.M.  Marine macroalgae Ulva lactuca contains antimicrobial compounds that kill multiple strains of the human bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus.  (2015, September 26).  (SURE Research Symposium, SWAGƵ) Biddeford, ME.

Bolduc, C.L., Williams, B.S., Hope, Z.S, Weiss, F., Burkholder, K.M, Deveau, A.M.  Methanol Extracts of Ulva lactuca Harvested from Biddeford Pool Inhibit the Growth of Clinically Relevant MRSA Strains.  (2014, October 18). Poster Presentation. (SURE Research Symposium, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

* Weiss, F. *Buldoc, C., *Williams, B. *Hope, Z., Deveau, A.M., Dacosta, J., Roese, U., Burkholder, K.M. Marine Macroalgae Fucus vesiculosus and Ulva lactuca Contain Antimicrobial Compounds that Kill Multiple Strains of the Human Bacterial Pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. (2014, October 18). Poster Presentation. (SURE Research Symposium, SWAGƵ), Biddeford, ME.

Funded grants

National Science Foundation, SSTEM ($620,788; Award #1259896) "Maine Mathematics and Science Scholars for School and University Collaboration Centered on Educating STEM Students (SUCCESS)"; J. Quinlan, PI; M. Cripps, co-PI; A. M. Deveau, co-PI; J.M. Stubbs. co-PI; C. Tennenhouse, co-PI.  8/24/2013-8/31/2019

National Science Foundation, Department of Biological Infrastructure ($137,527; Award #1229519)  "MRI: Acquisition of a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Instrument for Research and Teaching".  U.Roese, PI; A.M. Deveau, co-PI; A. Keirstead, co-PI; T. Dzieweczynski, co-PI; S. Zeeman, co-PI.   8/1/2012-7/31/2015.

Research interests

marine natural products; small molecule antibiotics; green chemistry; organic synthesis; research in curricula

Research topics

Chemical Synthesis
Science Pedagogy