

Bachelor of Arts with a major in English
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
School of Arts and Humanities


Andrew Rotondo, Ph.D.
Assistant Academic Director, School of Arts and Humanities

Michael Cripps, Ph.D.
Academic Director, School of Arts and Humanities



Through interdisciplinary course offerings, innovative theoretical models, and accomplished instructors, the English major exposes students to a wide and diverse body of knowledge and provides them with the tools to think, analyze, and write with confidence.

Major Description

English programs offer a wide range of literature and writing courses that introduce students to significant global literary works and train them in the careful analysis of texts, ranging from traditional novels to emerging electronic communication. English faculty specialize in the study of animals in culture, law and humanities, digital humanities, and literature and health, among other areas. Working through a variety of theoretical approaches, students will learn how to analyze the heavily textualized world around them, communicate their ideas effectively, and prepare themselves for numerous professions.

Curricular Requirements

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Total Credits42–43
Program Required CoursesCredits
ENG 206 – Intro Lit Theory & Criticism3
LIL 420 – Arts & Humanities Capstone3
Three (3) credits of British Literature electives3
Three (3) credits of U.S. Literature electives3
Six (6) credits of Diversity and Global Literature electives6
Select one (1) English Concentration21
Total Credits39
Open elective courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Total Required Credits120

English Concentration Options

Literature ConcentrationCredits
Three (3) credits of U.S. Literature electives or British Literature electives3
Eighteen (18) credits of electives with at least twelve (12) credits from List A and at least six (6) credits at 300- or 400-level18
Total Credits21
Writing ConcentrationCredits
Three (3) credits of Creative Writing Foundation courses3
Three (3) credits of Professional Writing Foundation courses3
Fifteen (15) credits of electives with nine (9) credits from List C and six (6) credits from List C or List D15
Total Credits21
English Education ConcentrationCredits
Three (3) credits of U.S. Literature electives3
Three (3) credits of British Literature electives3
Fifteen (15) credits of electives with at least nine (9) credits from List A and at least six (6) credits at 300- or 400-level15
Total Credits21

Elective Course Options

U.S. Literature ElectivesCredits
ENG 200 – Writing, Revolution, & Resistance in U.S. Lit3
ENG 201 – Who and What is an American? Reimagining US Lit3
ENG 235 – Topics in U.S. Lit to 18653
ENG 237 – Topics in U.S. Lit after 18653
ENG 310 – Writing & Women’s Health3
British Literature ElectivesCredits
ENG 115 – Poets, Pilgrims & Other Yahoos3
ENG 116 – Democratizing Literature3
ENG 216 – Criminals, Idiots & Minors3
ENG 229 – Topics in Brit Lit Before 18003
ENG 234 – Topics in Brit Lit After 18003
ENG 312 – Global Shakespeare3
ENG 330 – Topics in British Literature3
ENG 340 – The English Novel3
ENG 409 – Storytelling, Literature, Law3
ENG 420 – Victorian Monsters3
Diversity and Global Literature ElectivesCredits
ENG 135 – Dog Stories3
ENG 140 – Indigenous Film and Literature3
ENG 200 – Writing, Revolution, & Resistance in U.S. Lit3
ENG 201 – Who and What is an American? Reimagining US Lit3
ENG 202 – Lyrics3
ENG 204 – Animals, Literature, & Culture3
ENG 208 – Narrative Medicine & Writing3
ENG 214 – Freedom & Authority3
ENG 221 – Justice3
ENG 235 – Topics in U.S. Lit to 18653
ENG 237 – Topics in U.S. Lit after 18653
ENG 255 – Literary Topics3
ENG 276 – English Human Trad I3
ENG 278 – English Human Trad II3
ENG 301 – Nature Films3
ENG 310 – Writing & Women’s Health3
ENG 312 – Global Shakespeare3
ENG 326 – Topics in Literature & Health3
ENG 329 – Topics in World Literature3
ENG 330 – Topics in British Literature3
ENG 401 – Literatures of the Sea3
ENG 405 – Topics in Postcolonial Lit3
ENG 409 – Storytelling, Literature, Law3
Creative Writing Foundation ElectivesCredits
WRT 111 – Topics in Creative Writing3
WRT 211 – Creative Writing: Poetry3
WRT 212 – Creative Writing: Short Fiction3
Professional Writing Foundation ElectivesCredits
CMM 110 – Intro to Communications3
CMM 211 – Introduction to Journalism3
WRT 233 – Professional & Tech. Commun.3

Lists A-D Elective Courses

List A ElectivesCredits
EDU 498 – Secondary Internship & Seminar12
ENG 115 – Poets, Pilgrims & Other Yahoos3
ENG 116 – Democratizing Literature3
ENG 135 – Dog Stories3
ENG 140 – Indigenous Film and Literature3
ENG 200 – Writing, Revolution, & Resistance in U.S. Lit3
ENG 201 – Who and What is an American? Reimagining US Lit3
ENG 202 – Lyrics3
ENG 204 – Animals, Literature, & Culture3
ENG 208 – Narrative Medicine & Writing3
ENG 214 – Freedom & Authority3
ENG 216 – Criminals, Idiots & Minors3
ENG 221 – Justice3
ENG 229 – Topics in Brit Lit Before 18003
ENG 234 – Topics in Brit Lit After 18003
ENG 235 – Topics in U.S. Lit to 18653
ENG 237 – Topics in U.S. Lit after 18653
ENG 255 – Literary Topics3
ENG 276 – English Human Trad I3
ENG 278 – English Human Trad II3
ENG 300 – Literary Topics3
ENG 301 – Nature Films3
ENG 310 – Writing & Women’s Health3
ENG 312 – Global Shakespeare3
ENG 326 – Topics in Literature & Health3
ENG 329 – Topics in World Literature3
ENG 330 – Topics in British Literature3
ENG 340 – The English Novel3
ENG 397 – Independent Study1–12
ENG 399 – Independent Study3
ENG 401 – Literatures of the Sea3
ENG 402 – Directed Study in English1–12
ENG 405 – Topics in Postcolonial Lit3
ENG 412 – Humanities Seminar3
ENG 420 – Victorian Monsters3
ENG 491 – English Studies Internship I3–9
ENG 492 – English Studies Internship II3–9
List B ElectivesCredits
ARB 101 – Basic Arabic3
ART 124 – The Painted Book3
ASL 101 – Intro to American Sign Lang3
CMM 122 – Oral Communication or SPC 100 – Effective Public Speaking3
CMM 211 – Introduction to Journalism3
CMM 225 – Topics in Digital Storytelling3
CMM 290 – Intro to Broadcast Media Writ3
CMM 410 – Writing for the Screen3
EDU 436 – Teaching Secondary English3
ENG 110 – English Composition4
ENG 209 – Introduction to Linguistics3
ENG 220 – History of the English Language3
FRE 101 – Basic French3
HIS 150 – Telling Tales of the Past3
HIS 341 – Bestsellers & the Big Bad City3
LIT 124 – Lit, Nature & the Environment3
PHI 212 – Thinking Philosoph about Arts3
SPA 101 – Basic Spanish3
SPA 306 – Span. For Health Professions3
WRT 111 – Topics in Creative Writing3
WRT 211 – Creative Writing: Poetry3
WRT 212 – Creative Writing: Short Fiction3
WRT 233 – Professional and Technical Communication3
WRT 304 – Read & Write in Digital Env.3
WRT 312 – Fiction Writing Workshop3
WRT 317 – Proposal and Grant Writing3
WRT 342 – Writing Fellows Practicum1
List C ElectivesCredits
ART 124 – The Painted Book3
CMM 211 – Introduction to Journalism3
ENG 208 – Narrative Medicine & Writing3
ENG 209 – Introduction to Linguistics3
ENG 220 – History of the English Language3
ENG 310 – Writing & Women’s Health3
ENG 397 – Independent Study1–12
ENG 399 – Independent Study3
ENG 402 – Directed Study in English1–12
ENG 491 – English Studies Internship I3–9
ENG 492 – English Studies Internship II3–9
LIL 120 – Intro Arts & Humanities Sem3
WRT 111 – Topics in Creative Writing3
WRT 211 – Creative Writing: Poetry3
WRT 212 – Creative Writing: Shrt Fiction3
WRT 233 – Professional and Technical Communication3
WRT 304 – Read & Write in Digital Env.3
WRT 312 – Fiction Writing Workshop3
WRT 317 – Proposal and Grant Writing3
WRT 342 – Writing Fellows Practicum1
List D Electives*Credits
ART 395 – Studio Concentration Seminar3
BUMK 200 – Marketing3
BUMK 310 – Advertising3
CMM 110 – Intro to Communications3
CMM 122 – Oral Communication or SPC 100 – Effective Public Speaking3
CMM 225 – Topics in Digital Storytelling3
CMM 240 – Social Media: Theory & Practic3
CMM 410 – Writing for the Screen3
ENG 110 – English Composition4
ENG 334 – Methods of Literacy and Cultural Criticism3
ENV 316/316L – Land Conserv Pract w/Field Lab4
ENV 321 – Env Comm: Expert Prac Eco3
ENV 333/333L – Nature Writers w/Field Lab4
ENV 334 – Contemporary Nature Writing3
HIS 150 – Telling Tales of the Past3
MAF 400 – Marine Affairs Capstone3
NEU 410 – Neurobiology of Mental Illness3
NSG 332 – Evidence Based Pract (EBP) I2
NSG 432 – Evidence Based Pract (EBP) II2
NSG 445 – Leadership2
PSY 425 – Adv Methods in Animal Behavior3
PUB 310 – Social, Behavior & Environmental3
PUB 400 – PH Planning & Evaluation3
PUB 420 – Community Health Assessment3

*Some courses have pre-requisites that may prevent registration

English majors are required to maintain an e-Portfolio that archives their course and other relevant writing which they will deliver in an oral presentation to the faculty during their senior year.

The English Program requires an overall minimum 2.0 GPA in the major.

Students wishing to pursue teacher certification in English should complete a major in Middle and Secondary Education with a concentration in English. Students pursuing this path are strongly encouraged to complete the highly flexible double major with English and Middle and Secondary Education.

For more information, speak with the chair of English and see the Middle and Secondary Education catalog page.

Students majoring in English can participate in the pre-health graduate school preparation tracks.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of completing the B.A. with a major in English graduate will be able to:

Read texts closely and think critically

  • Comprehend a text’s literal/factual content
  • Distinguish between a passage's literal/factual content and its figurative/symbolic/interpretive content
  • Analyze a text closely and identify rhetorical strategies therein
  • Connect a passage's formal structure and thematic content with the text as a whole
  • Extrapolate the larger implications (social, philosophical, ethical, argumentative) of these patterns

Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of literature in English

  • Demonstrate familiarity with specified content areas in literature, literary history, theory, and criticism
  • Understand literature as a culturally and historically embedded practice
  • Relate literature to other fields of inquiry

Communicate effectively

  • Approach writing as a recursive process
  • Develop and support claims about literary texts
  • Articulate claims in conceptually coherent essays
  • Use conventions of standard written English
  • Present research findings orally within the conventions of the discipline

Conduct research in literary and cultural studies

  • Use bibliographic tools to find source material
  • Employ appropriate critical approaches in their research
  • Contribute to scholarly conversations about literary and cultural texts and phenomena
  • Incorporate and document source material using MLA style
  • Communicate in accordance with standards of academic integrity


If you are an exceptional undergraduate student aspiring to a career in medicine, the SWAGÊÓƵ HuMed program provides the opportunity that spans your junior and senior years as an undergraduate and your four (4) years in SWAGÊÓƵ’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. The program makes it possible for you to deepen your learning in English, History, or Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities through a humanities major while you prepare for a career as an osteopathic physician. Requirements for this early assurance program are described at the HuMed website.

During your years as an undergraduate in SWAGÊÓƵ’s College of Arts and Sciences, you complete the requisite coursework in the natural sciences to prepare for your graduate education, while earning a Bachelor of Arts with a major in English, History, or Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities. As a HuMed student, you are not required to take the MCAT for admission to the College of Osteopathic Medicine. Instead, the College of Osteopathic Medicine requires that you take the University Clinical Aptitude test (UCAT). As a HuMed student, you have an assurance of acceptance contingent upon fulfilling the HuMed curricular requirements and passing the interview process.

Entering students interested in HuMed are encouraged to major in English (History, or Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities) and participate in the pre-health graduate school preparation track


A student with a major in another program may minor in English with permission of the Academic Director. The minor requires eighteen (18) hours of approved coursework, as described below.

Required CoursesCredits
Three (3) credits of British Literature electives*3
Three (3) credits of Diversity and Global Literature electives*3
Three (3) credits of U.S. Literature electives*3
Nine (9) credits of English Minor Electives9
Minimum Total Required Credits18

*See Curricular Requirements section for elective options.

English Minor ElectivesCredits
Any ENG course3–4
ASL 101 – Intro to American Sign Lang3
CMM 122 – Oral Communication or SPC 100 – Effective Public Speaking3
FRE 101 – Basic French3
HIS 341 – Bestsellers & the Big Bad City3
LIL 120 – Intro to Arts & Humanities Sem3
LIL 420 – Arts & Humanities Capstone3
LIT 124 – Lit, Nature, & the Environment3
SPA 101 – Basic Spanish3
SPA 211 – Intermediate Spanish3
SPA 306 – Span. for Health Professions3

English minors must earn an overall minimum 2.0 GPA in the minor.

Honors Program

We offer qualified students the option of graduating with Honors. This includes significant research, creative, or experiential activity under the direction of a faculty member. Interested students should consult with their advisor. 

Transfer Credit

Courses completed at another accredited college can be transferred to this degree program. Transferred courses must be reasonably close in scope and content to the required courses offered at SWAGÊÓƵ in order to count as exact equivalents. Otherwise, they may transfer as general electives. All courses completed must be no older than five (5) years.

Other restrictions apply. See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.


See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This catalog outlines the academic programs, degree criteria, policies, and events of the SWAGÊÓƵ for the 2024–2025 academic year and serves as the official guide for academic and program requirements for students enrolling at the University during the Summer of 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025 semesters.

The information provided is accurate as of its publication date on April 26, 2024.
The SWAGÊÓƵ reserves the right to modify its programs, calendar, or academic schedule as deemed necessary or beneficial. This includes alterations to course content, class rescheduling, cancellations, or any other academic adjustments. Changes will be communicated as promptly as possible.

While students may receive guidance from academic advisors or program directors, they remain responsible for fulfilling the requirements outlined in the catalog relevant to their enrollment year and for staying informed about any updates to policies, provisions, or requirements.